This integration feature gives you the ability to manage all of your scheduled recordings via the Kaltura Scheduler. 

1. Log in to your CaptureCast UI.

2. Navigate over to the Settings page and then select External Scheduling from the left pane.


  • When Disabled - All of your scheduling tasks will be handled by CaptureCast via the Schedule page.
  • When Enabled  - All of your scheduling tasks must be done via Kaltura. On a side note, the unit will still allow you to do an ad-hoc recording (quick capture).


  • You will need to have at least one template already created with publishing set to go to Kaltura.
  • Livestreaming Settings are determined automatically, so do not attempt to configure livestream settings.
  • If a category is set in the CaptureCast template it will override any category you set on the Kaltura Scheduler side.
    • NOTE:    We recommend you leave the category field blank in the CaptureCast Template and manage them through Kaltura.

Registration and Sync:

  • Once you have enabled the Kaltura Scheduler Plugin, adjusted your options, and saved the settings, it may take a few seconds or minutes to register.
  • Sync Status will display how many scheduled events have been pulled from Kaltura. By default CaptureCast will automatically sync with Kaltura Scheduler every 5 minutes.